Why Choose Us

You can trust us
We understand how frustrating it can be when computer problems arise. It is important to us that the process is as smooth and stress-free for you as possible. At CRB, we live by 3 customer service principles; trust, competence and reliability.
Appointments at a time that suits you
All our appointments are arranged for a time that is convenient for you. If you have an emergency give us a call and we can get to your home or office on the same day.
No fix no fee!
If we’re unable to resolve your problem then we won’t charge you. Also, if your repair will require new components we will always check with you before making any replacements. Note that this guarantee does not cover the diagnosis of faulty hardware.
Price cap guarantee – pay no more than 3 hours
We guarantee that your repair will take no longer than 3 hours, if it does we don’t charge you for the additional time.
No jargon or geek speak
We understand that most people are not interested in techno-speak. As such we’re very well versed in explaining problems in plain-English and where possible, advising how best to avoid problems in the future.